Acupuncture for Indeterminate Aches and Pains
Sometimes pain is clearly indicative of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Other times the pain does not fall neatly into a clearly delineated diagnosis. In such cases, the pain may be attributed to post-viral illness or the cause of the pain may be unknown. Rather than being limited to a few localised areas of the body, the pain may be rather more widespread throughout the body. The pain may be longstanding and may come and go. Irrespective of the diagnosis, drug treatment often involves strong anti-inflammatory medication, requiring increasingly higher dosages over time with diminishing relief. Once the drug treatment is discontinued, the pain tends to return full force.
Acupuncture works to relieve the circulation blockages and pain caused by nerve root involvement or tissue inflammation, thereby addressing the problem at the root of the pain. Electroacupuncture and cupping are often used in conjunction with acupuncture to provide the maximum pain relief. By reducing the nerve sensitivity and/or tissue inflammation, the pain is reduced.
In our clinics, because we work closely with chiropractors and physiotherapists, we have particular knowledge in the area of pain management and pain relief. We also have access to the best testing facilities and in London and can arrange for scans and X-rays if necessary.